A Whole New Monday

Isn't Staff Development by definition expected to result in change and growth for us as teachers? Is positive change the result of every staff development session you have ever attended? Quality technology staff development should bring with it positive change.
At this weekend's educational technology conference we are seeing amazing and innovative examples of how to implement teaching with technology for the 21st Century classroom. Given the inspirational talks and innovative examples from Karl Fisch, Anne Smith, of Arapahoe High School and Matt Monjan from Discovery Learning, Melissa's Google Earth, Joe's Web 2.0, Terry's Palm Pilots, and Peggy and Fran's Photoshop and Podcasting, we are ready to take the next steps to enhance the use of technology in our classrooms. Pondering 'Shift Happens', has to make you think. Karl talked about the 'yeah buts', which is the inclination many teachers have to say , "yes, that may sound like a good idea but that won't work in my classroom." When Anne got her first laptop, Karl challenged her to 'change the world'. Hearing about the many projects such as the live blogging with Daniel Pink who wrote 'A Whole New Mind' really made us think about new possibilities. With these and the many creative examples shown, your world can't help but be changed. Karl and Anne challenged us to take away one thing that we want to implement. I don't know about you but when I listened to all of our presenters, I found many reasons to be open to innovative practices in our schools. I am inpired by the many ideas that are coming from our own teachers today as they reflect on our sessions and think about new ways to teach for the 21st Century. 'A whole new Monday' may be in store for your classroom. (All conference materials and podcasts are contained on this blog for future reference and for anyone who is viewing them online for the first time).

Please comment on the following:

What inspirational ideas have you taken from the conference? What do you hope to implement into your teaching practice? What one thing will be the 'something new' your classroom on Monday?
