Digital Media - Talent Surrounds Us and Goes Viral
These recent video hits on Youtube showcase how in the digital world artistic works can go viral. Unsuspecting customers in these locales were treated to beautiful choral selections by gifted musicians. Watch the surprise on their faces and see their joy. You see many join in the chorus. Today's explosion of digital communications capacity has the power to connect us and share talents before unseen.Had this happened 10 years ago it may have gotten some television coverage but it would not have been shared with so many. The increasing influence of video communications as seen by the growth in use of sites such as Youtube tells us that new paradigms are in place. The Pew Internet and Life Project reports the following:
- 69% of adult internet users, or roughly half of all U.S. adults (52%), have used the internet to watch or download video, with 18-29 year-olds leading the way. Comedy video has supplanted news video as the most viewed type of video online
- 14% of adult internet users have uploaded a video to the internet, an increase over the 8% of internet users who were uploading in 2007
It is very important that we encourage digital communications skills and talents in education. Enhancing the skills of today's children to communicate and collaborate using the latest of technologies. If we as school leaders are to encourage a Digital Age Learning Culture (NET-A) we must be cognizant of the changing culture that surrounds us and promote them in our schools as we help to prepare children for their future.Enjoy these selections below. Share your own.
Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What's a sundial in the shade? Benjamin Franklin
Opera Company of Philadelphia - Macy's, October, 2010 Over 3.5 Million hits on Youtube as of November, 2010Watch as they sing Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus" . This was shared with me first by our Archdiocesan Director for Communications at the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, Donna Farrell. Many have enjoyed it since.Hallelujah Chorus - Solemnity of Christ the King - Christmas Court Flash Mob, November, 2010This one was shared online via @BarbinNebraska and Nick Senger via the Catholic School Chronicle
Your talent is God's gift to you. What you do with it is your gift back to God. ( Leo Buscaglia)
Opera Company of Philadelphia "Flash Brindisi" at Reading Terminal Market (April 24, 2010) Over 3 Million hits on Youtube as of November, 2010
A talent is not a talent until it has been shared. If we are so blessed as to be an artist, shouldn't we help someone just as someone helped us? (Wayne A. Wright)