You Will - 2011 Version

This video by AT&T from 1993 talks about future technology capabilities and how they would impact our daily lives. In 1993 I didn't even have an email address or an internet connection in my home. Many of you might say the same. We listened to these predictions perhaps and thought that this was entirely impossible. As we prepare our children for their future, we as school administrators, as educators need to be able to think with an open mind about the future of learning. This vision is an important part of being a leader. This was shared on twitter by TNW and @niall_faganTranscript of Video

Have you ever bought a book from thousands of miles awayHave you ever driven across the country without stopping for directions?Have you ever sent someone a fax from the beach?Have you ever paid a toll without slowing the car?Have you ever bought concert tickets from a cash machine?Have you ever tucked your baby in from a phone booth?Have you ever opened doors iwth the sound of your voice?Have you ever carried your medical history in a wallet?Have you ever attended a meeting in your bare feet?Have you ever watched a movie you wanted just when you wanted to?Have you ever learned special things from far away places?

I watch this and wonder what the 2011 version would say. How will technology advance propel us into new ways of doing things and connecting with one another?How will it impact learning? What would it look like for Education?Have You Ever - 2011 in Education

Have you ever gotten a degree for a curriculum you built yourself online?Have you ever used your phone/mobile device to bring an expert speaker into your classroom?Have you ever designed your own courses for credit?Have you ever chosen your teachers from an online list?Have you ever been in a high school classroom discussion from our phone//mobile device with students from all over the world?Have you ever gotten a degree customized just for your interests?

I started a list above. What should be added to this list?


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