Connected Educators A to Z: A is for Aspire

Many think that opening the doors of your classroom can be a key to making your students shine. What do you think?On August 1st, the US Department of Education kicked off Connected Educator month, As Karen Cator states, 'our ability to share approaches and explore new opportunities is essential to transforming education and improving student learning'.For the month, I'll be doing a A to Z series focusing on Empowering the Connected Educator.A is for Aspire.Why Makes Educators Aspire to Connect?They read, blog, tweet, chat and skype. They connect with others around the globe using the latest Web 2.0 tools. They form twitter chats and conduct teacher sponsored edcamp professional development. Much of this is done on their own time for no pay. They want to make their classroom alive with ideas. They want to make sense of the rapidly changing technologies at hand and find ways to use them for student success. They find grades partner and colleagues online and make meaningful learning occur for both themselves and for their students.I like how Maureen Devlin said it when I asked the question on twitter -    How Can School Leaders Empower Teachers?During Connected Educator Month, educators everywhere are discussing best practices and collaborating online. They are talking about what it means to be a connected educator.

  1. Share the Connected Educator resources with faculty and colleagues.
  2. Join in! Explore the calendar and follow it on twitter at #ce12. Connecting with others allows us to learn and grow.
  3. Read about the impact that connected educators are having such as noted by Jeff Goldstein and here on TechConnects
  4. Aspire to be a connected leader who encourages and equips learners with all they need

I am passionate about innovative learning and empowering today's leaders. In my work as a Technology Specialist and a K-12 district Technology Director, I have seen collaborative teamwork provide essential support to educators seeking to achieve the best for their students. As connected educators aspire with passion to bring the best of today's learning into their classrooms they will tell you that they see real and true benefits to their own practice.  As they aspire for professional excellence in building their connections, it is our students who stand to benefit the most.


Connected Educators A to Z: B is for Blogging


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