Connected Educators A-Z: D is for Digital Citizenship

As our lives are led to a great degree online, we are daily tasked with thinking about how our online actions and the actions of others impact us. In the early days of the web, it seems as though there was a big focus on online safety. Safety online is VERY important. We need to assure that there are safe measures employed and advocated by all.Typically, when people act with mutual respect and responsibility, we say that they are good citizens. When this is in place in online interactions, we call it digital citizenship.On top of the safety issue though is a real and recurring need to talk about appropriate ways to interact. As technology evolves and reinvents itself daily, these issues are ever changing too.Digital Citizenship Issues

  • How to comment appropriately
  • How to license your work and cite the work of others
  • How to keep private information private
  • How to speak to a global audience
  • What are the rules for using particular social networks? How can I make sure I comply?
  • What makes up a positive online reputation?

When my children were small, there were daily reminders that were part of our daily lives. Be careful, don't cross the street without an adult, don't talk to strangers'. When we look at young people today, do we feel as thought they are getting the right reminders about online safety and responsible online behavior? Are these imparted daily by adults that students trust?  Below I am sharing my updated list of Digital Citizenship Resources. Which are your favorites? What would you add?

When schools and families take the time to share good digital citizenship practice, it is of benefit to us as individuals and to our global family!

17 Digital Citizenship Resources For School Leaders, Teacher Leaders and Families



These sites have resources for teaching Digital Citizenship in the classroom

  1. Google Interactive Lessons
  2. Google's Family Safety Center
  3. Common Sense Media
  4. Netsmartz -
  5. Be Cyber Wise -
  6. Digital Citizenship Site
  7. Yahoo Safely
  8. Cable in the Classroom
  9. FOSI Family Online Safety Institute

Blogs and Projects

These blogs address topics around Digital Citizenship frequently

  1. Anne Collier - Net Family News
  2. Danah Boyd
  3. Innovative Educator Blog
  4. Digiteen

Research To Know About

This research is related to the topic and can provide insights

  1. Zero to Eight -Children's Mobile Technology Use in America by Common Sense Media
  2. Youth Safety on a Living Internet Study  - Study
  3. The Good Play Project
  4. Pew Internet and American Life Project
  5. Netsmartz Statistics -

Related PostsOnline Safety Bridge Between Home and School -  TechConnectsGetting Started with Digital Citizenship - TechConnects


Connected Educators A to Z: E is for Evaluation


Connected Educators A to Z: C is for Connecting