Connected Educators A to Z: G is for Grants and Funding
Many of today's resources available to connected educators are free. They are a gift that educators use to learn, grow and connect. Twitter, Facebook, Blogger and Skype to name just a few - are free! Connected learning support can incur expenses though. Money for things such as hardware, connectivity, software, assessment systems and professional development are needed.
12 Tips for School Technology Funding
- Heed The Research - Stay on top of the ever changing learning environment -technologies-to-watch-2012/
- Tune in to Digital Learning Needs - Find out about the latest strategies and tools for learning. How are they being used successfully?
- Build a Team - Tap teachers, parents, students and members of the school and local community
- Make a Plan -Technology plans and Curriculum plans should work hand in hand
- Create Smart Goals - Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time trackable
- Dig In to Grant Resources - Explore funding options online. From shopping rewards to larger grants, there are many untapped resources available to schools
- Aim For Quality, Free Access to grant databases
- Jog the Web Funding Sources - The web is replete with resources to boost funding. Find ones that meet your needs and pursue the support you need
- Tell Your Compelling Story - Let your school community know about the school goals and the learning that is happening. They will love to be a part of the success story.
- Get Social - Use social media to connect with the larger school and local community. They are on Facebook, Twitter. Your school should be too!
- Meet Supporters Where They Are - Blend face to face and online communications to reach out. Realize that people have varying connections preferences.
- Evaluate and Begin Anew - Set regular times to assess and gauge progress. Adopt an ongoing schedule for seeking new funding and support for your programs
12 Links for School Grants and Funding
- The Foundation Center – Site and Newsletter
- Grant Space via Foundation Center (Search areas for free Foundation Center access) – Find Us
- Guidestar – Funder Resources
- Technology Grants- News and Resources
- K-12 Grants –
- E-School News – Funding Page
- Specific Tech Companies have offerings – Acer
- Tech and Learning Grants Directory – 2012-2013
- Non Profit Technology Network
- US Government – Funding Pages
- Full Collection of Resources – Sheryl Abshire
- All #TechFunding Links in presentation - Diigo
Recently I had the honor of presenting to a the Educational Technology Committee at the Diocese of Harrisburg. Below are the resources shared that day.