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Connected Educators A to Z: G is for Grants and Funding

Many of today's resources available to connected educators are free. They are a gift that educators use to learn, grow and connect. Twitter, Facebook, Blogger and Skype to name just a few - are free! Connected learning support can incur expenses though. Money for things such as hardware, connectivity, software, assessment systems and professional development are needed.

12 Tips for School Technology Funding

  1. Heed The Research - Stay on top of the ever changing learning environment  http://ncara.edublogs.org/2012/02/09/emerging -technologies-to-watch-2012/
  2. Tune in to Digital Learning Needs - Find out about the latest strategies and tools for learning. How are they being used successfully?
  3. Build a Team - Tap teachers, parents, students and members of the school and local community
  4. Make a Plan -Technology plans and Curriculum plans should work hand in hand
  5. Create Smart Goals - Goals should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time trackable
  6. Dig In to Grant Resources  - Explore funding options online. From shopping rewards to larger grants, there are many untapped resources available to schools
  7. Aim For Quality, Free Access to grant databases 
  8. Jog the Web Funding Sources - The web is replete with resources to boost funding. Find ones that meet your needs and pursue the support you need
  9. Tell Your Compelling Story - Let your school community know about the school goals and the learning that is happening. They will love to be a part of the success story.
  10. Get Social - Use social media to connect with the larger school and local community. They are on Facebook, Twitter. Your school should be too!
  11. Meet Supporters Where They Are - Blend face to face and online communications to reach out. Realize that people have varying connections preferences.
  12. Evaluate and Begin Anew - Set regular times to assess and gauge progress. Adopt an ongoing schedule for seeking new funding and support for your programs

12 Links for School Grants and Funding

  1. The Foundation Center – Site and Newsletter
  2. Grant Space via Foundation Center (Search areas for free Foundation Center access) – Find Us
  3. Guidestar – Funder Resources
  4. Technology Grants- News and Resources
  5. K-12 Grants – K12Grants.org
  6. E-School News – Funding Page
  7. Specific Tech Companies have offerings – Acer
  8. Tech and Learning Grants Directory – 2012-2013
  9. Non Profit Technology Network
  10. US Government – Funding Pages
  11. Full Collection of Resources – Sheryl Abshire
  12. All #TechFunding Links in presentation - Diigo

Recently I had the honor of presenting to a the Educational Technology Committee at the Diocese of Harrisburg. Below are the resources shared that day.

Technology Funding and Grants from Nancy Caramanico