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Social Media School Audits

How is your school using social media? Is it essential to parent communications, a part of student classroom activities, a tool for development and recruitment?With over 88% of school leaders reporting increased use of social media for parent communications in the 2018 Speak Up Survey, it is taking a solid hold in the day to day lives of schools. Taking a fresh look at how you are using social media help to enhance online communications and effectively advance the mission of your school.Today's digital access allows school leaders, teachers students, and families ready access to information in real time. In a matter of seconds, news, announcements, and images can be sent to literally thousands.Choosing Social Media ToolsWhich tools should you focus on? Are you currently using Instagram, Facebook, Twitter? Which one is most effective? How can you tell?Determining which platforms are most likely to reach each group will make communications efforts all the more successful. If you are focusing your social media efforts on Facebook when most of your families frequent Instagram, then you may be missing the mark. Simple adjustments in how you communicate on social media can make a difference.School Social Media Audit School social media audit can yield information critical to engaging with stakeholders. An effective audit will produce insights and strategies for moving forward.Sign up for one of the two frameworks offered below and get an audit and strategic plan customized for your schoolSocial (Media) StudiesFaithful Follows