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Screenspace - Top Resources and News

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          As we work and learn virtually, the need for a virtual - ready remote workspace has become glaringly apparent. We have replaced commute, classroom and in person meeting time with screen, zoom and online time.

The Need for Screens

Do you find yourself wanting more screen space so that you can view multiple documents at once? Do you wish there was a way to have meeting attendees easily viewable while you access slides and other resources separately?  Do you want to be able to share streamed content locally with others easily while maintaining social distancing? Welcome to 2020 and the need for screens!Solving digital access and learning issues is important to providing an effective and fair learning environment for all students - whether at home or at school. In fact, according to Pew Research, 59% of U.S. parents with lower incomes say their child may face digital obstacles in schoolwork. Enhancing the virtual workspace can open a window to more accessible and clearer work and learning.Demand for tech devices and especially for screens is exploding.  How do we update our virtual environment and make people and content easier to view? There are a lot of ways to do this and you may even already have devices and tools easily at hand! This post explores the screen and options for many popular operating systems in use. Additionally, there are many tools, apps and websites that can support the goal of adding 'screen space.'.

Benefits of Adding a Second Screen

  • Applying the best uses of screen space can support student learning and remote working for teachers, staff and colleagues. 

  • Learning tool features such as the ability to adjust video, layout and backgrounds gives choices and enhances the process

  • Adding a second screen can expand workspace and make it easier to see and work with materials

  • Use case: Viewslides and meeting attendees in separate screens

Terms to Know

  • Mirror - Shares screen content

  • Extend - Stretches screen content across to adjacent screen

  • Screencast - Sends content wirelessly

  • Screen sharing - Broadcast content to others via online tool such as Zoom, Teams or Google Meet

Screen Share Resources - Using a Second Screen

As you explore these options, feel free to reach out for support or with any questions. We will continue to share other sites and tools for enhancing virtual learning and working for all.