Exploring TEDtalks

Have you ever watch a webinar or a conference online? It is a wonderful way to learn new ideas and follow current thought. The good news is that you can do it from the comfort of your own home or wherever you happen to be.  Many online opportunities allow us to come away with a new perspective - a new way of thinking.One interesting way to explore new ideas is through TEDtalks. TED (Ideas Worth Spreading) originated as Technology, Entertainment and Design but the content has branched out to many other areas.  It is a self described site for viewing 'Remarkable Ideas by Riveting People'. These can be used by any business, organization or individual. They may be of special interest to those in education.How can you participate?1. TEDxNYED -Education Event - On March 6th, there is a TED event in New York City that explores education and new media. This is being given in brief talks by thought leaders such as Michael Wesch from Kansas State University, whose class created the popular video a Vision of Students Today and Chris Lehman from Philadelphia's Science Leadership Academy.  The talks are being live streamed but can be viewed later as well.2. TEDtalks - One great source of inspiration and new ideas is TEDtalks. This is their website. You can visit this site and watch a wide variety of talks on a many ideas. Browse by theme, by speaker, by keyword search, or by language. Choose a TED video to listen to and enjoy.3. TEDtalks In the Classroom: There are many inspirational TEDtalks that teachers and administrators may find beneficial. Students can use TEDtalks for learning by exploring a variety of topics. See these posts for more classroom ideas.

We live in an interesting time indeed. Daily we see the growth of the internet and today's new media.  Sharing what we see, think and are inspired by becomes easier with each passing day.“A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others.”Image http://www.flickr.com/photos/44124298927@N01/23390200


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