3827311548_ae05383bbd_mLife, Change and Adaptation are themes of the newly released LIFE documentary.Recently, I attended the premiere showing of LIFE a new documentary from Discovery Education. The event was held by Discovery and Siemens  at the Franklin Institute. Timed to occur during the National Science Teacher's Association (NSTA) conference in Phila., it was also supported by the  EPA-Environmental Protection Agency. The event was the kickoff for the Siemens 'We Can Change the World Challenge' a collaborative effort between Siemens and the NSTA.Students at the high school level have been asked to join this year also to participate in the challenge as described on the DEN blog.At the website,Siemens 'We Can Change the World Challenge',  schools can find materials and lesson plans for participation in the challenge which encourage students to seek solutions to environmental issues. The site is full of resources for this purpose and it also has an interactive 'green' classroom.All materials will be available on the Discovery Plus site.  Since all of our K-12 schools have daily access to streaming digital content though Discovery Education, I am always glad to hear about the many new offerings in what they provide to our students and schools.The LIFE video was full of fascinating stories of animal life with beautiful videography  and scenery and it told an intriguing story.Adapt and ChangeThe  LIFE video focused on adaptation and change. They are necessary for survival and growth in the animal kingdom.Adaptation and change are universal themes to growth. Seeking creative solutions to everyday challenges is essential for all. In today's world technology brings change. Change is a constant. Preparing our students for learning and working an ever changing world requires creative adaptive solutions and a commitment to change.   As educators looking to the future and adapting and changing brings learning and growth. We help to prepare students for a future full of adaptation, innovation and change.


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